How to allow non-root users to control Upstart services, without a sudo password prompt.

How to allow non-root users to control Upstart services, without a sudo password prompt.The snippet that I’m using is here, but this will apply to running any privileged command without a password: youruser ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/start yourservice, /sbin/stop yourservice, /sbin/restart yourservice I did not previously know that sudoers allowed rules at... [Read More]
Tags: web development

Auto re-compiling/re-launching NodeTS setup

These are my steps that I’ve derived; if you have a better way, please let me know. d: dev box, s: server box: s: install NodeJS (via NVM), and ‘screen’ s: create an empty directory: /path/to/app. s: npm install -g nodemon typescript d: create server.ts with simple “hello world” code... [Read More]
Tags: web development

UI and Presentation Skills++ with ImpressJS, Strut, and Prezi

These two tools are pretty awesome for simple developers like myself!  I feel empowered make some pretty fancy presentations and UI effects. Here are the best resources I found: nice summary of solutions: motivational: ImpressJS: Strut: (build ImpressJS HTML) Prezi: [Read More]
Tags: web development

The Lethality of Loneliness - The New Republic

The Lethality of Loneliness - The New RepublicFor the first time in history, we understand how isolation can ravage the body and brain. Now, what should we do about it? this is pretty fascinating. long read, but it offers a pretty fundamentally different view of a whole plethora of illness,... [Read More]
Tags: lifestyle

Spreadsheet Powered Portfolio

For the past few weeks I have been updating my frontend web skills. While building an EmberJS+Bootstrap based portfolio, I came across TimelineJS which loads data from Google Spreadsheets! It was the first time I had seen such a trick, and naturally I wanted to figure out how it works.... [Read More]
Tags: web development

Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens - IEEE Spectrum

Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens - IEEE SpectrumA new generation of contact lenses built with very small circuits and LEDs promises bionic eyesight Cool tech to bring the sci-fi concept film Sight one step closer to reality—recommended viewing, about 8 minutes long! [Read More]
Tags: real science

STEAM: A Framework for Teaching Across the Disciplines

STEAM: A Framework for Teaching Across the DisciplinesDespite the throwback website, we need this—check out the video! The way few non-CSE departments at the U would touch STEM concepts and courses in CSE rarely touched non-STEM, was just wrong. STEM is what the world is made of, and Art can... [Read More]